Confirmed that U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, she is very proud of the work accomplished by the Egyptian youth in the revolution of January 25 that it had struck an exceptional example in non-violent peaceful protest .. She said the United States supports the establishment of full democracy in Egypt and want to be a partner for the new system, which will choose the Egyptian people themselves.
In its response to a series of questions that came from the Egyptian youth in a dialogue organized by the site TOM, said Hillary the importance of trying more insight on how to achieve the hopes and dreams expressed by the Egyptian youth are clearly in the field of editing, which is very important to Egypt, "that great country, "she said
In response to a question about the cause of the volatility of the positions of the U.S. administration, from the revolution in its early days, she said: "The U.S. administration was trying to achieve a balance, because we wanted to make sure that our message will not pay a party to do anything, do not agree with it," adding: "I mean violence .. who tried to stop him in every way possible, "and indicated that the relationship of the U.S. administration with the former regime" allowed to send messages such as: Do not use violence, let this peaceful protest goes on, it's time for change. "
Asked why the United States to maintain relations with repressive regimes, Clinton said: "The United States has relations with many countries that do not always agree with their values, and criticize its actions," and set an example China, Russia and the former Egyptian, and said: "Our relationship with these countries and other complex, and working on several levels at the same time, allowing us time to time to pressure in towards the issues of human rights and democracy in secret and in public. "
And on the main challenges you see that Egypt is facing now, "said U.S. Secretary of State:" the most prominent faces of Egypt challenges is that to have a lasting democracy and ongoing, is the protection of minority rights, and protection of women's rights, and you have an independent judiciary and free media and independent, including social networking sites on the Internet, as well as to get rid of the economic constraints to enable young people to establish their businesses without having to pay bribes to government officials. "
Clinton said she agreed with the need not to describe Christians in Egypt as a minority, "They are Egyptians perfect, and must be integrated into all of society as they were always from a historical perspective," and voiced hope that the move this revolution forward, to work hard to consolidate democracy and preserve them, to be for all place on the same table. "
The dialogue that took place between Minister of Foreign Affairs of America, and young men, organized by the site, "TOM" the largest and oldest sites in Egypt, attracting tens of thousands of young people to participate in the questions raised or voted upon, was received 6500 questions, and dozens of questions of audio and video, has been chosen more questions which have earned the consensus reading the site, to be the focus of this dialogue.
Clinton denied the existence of any relationship between the United States and the youth revolution of January 25 at any stage of the revolution, and said: "The United States does not have any ties to the uprising and the revolution in Egypt, which was managed and organized by the Egyptian youth, and no one knew or expected that, even politicians and activists who were talking with them before. "
She expressed her happiness that the U.S. provided a lot of tools, which helped the revolution in Egypt, such as Facebook, Twitter, and a lot of inventions the U.S., "she said:" We are proud that these innovations the U.S., helping to connect people, on democracy, human rights and freedom, and building agenda can lead to a better life in Egypt. "
She said the interaction through social networking sites is a means of destroying the people's stereotypes and divisions among themselves, and not only to organize protests, as seen in Egypt and Tunisia, and expressed the belief that human beings are alike with each other by 99.8 percent, however, there were differences in gender, race and religion , and "these differences between human beings is shrinking slowly."
And whether the method followed by the Egyptian revolution, protests in the city of editing can change negative stereotypes about Muslims and Arabs in America, Clinton said: "Of course I think that this image will change," she said: "The demonstrations in the field of editing has sent a positive result too, since to the fact that it was organized well and peaceful, and everyone was basically trying to this result we are celebrating now. "
She added, "It also sends a message to extremists such as al Qaeda, who do not know such thing as a peaceful protest .. It is confirmed that there is no such thing as democracy." Clinton and wished to be followed by television showed how young Egyptians themselves. " Clinton said, in the dialogue that has been with the Egyptian youth, and managed one of the main book site, "TOM", Dr. Ahmed Ghanem, a reporter for the site in Washington: "We must recognize that many Americans have a stereotype about the Egyptians and Muslims, as the Egyptians and Muslims have a picture module for America, which is why President Obama going to talk to the Muslim world, and chooses the capital of Egypt, the Arab nation and the most influential, to make his historic ".
And continued: "The U.S. administration prefers to have a relationship with a real democracy in Egypt and not with a fake democracy, even if it served their interests."
She added that the construction of these true democracy will take time, we in the U.S. It took us 220 years, and said, "but I fully convinced that in view of intelligence, energy and determination that I have seen of young Egyptians in the last month, there is no in my mind no doubt that this can be achieved as long as did not feel Egyptian People's exhaustion and frustration, and despair rapid, because the process is sometimes very difficult to handle. "
Clinton and renewed emphasis on the United States would not intervene in the selection of win or lose this election because things are left entirely to the Egyptian people.
With regard to the position of the U.S. administration, if in the elections in Egypt in the victory of the Muslim Brotherhood, Clinton said the United States supports the democratic process does not determine winners or losers, adding "but we do not want to see any political party or any ideology of trying to kidnap the process." And "So I think there should be safeguards built into the Constitution, and ensure that laws in Egypt it is a real democracy, real political parties, graduation, and that the elections will be followed by another election and another election, and there will be restrictions on the duration of the state." Mean duration of the presidency.
And about whether the Convention''veto''lost American credibility, to the world, especially as they partner in the peace process in the Middle East, Clinton said: "It has no hope of losing American credibility before the world," and continued: "The United States has spent a great deal of time and effort and money to bring peace in the Middle East, and that was the beginning between Egypt and Israel and between Jordan and Israel, as well as our commitment to peace also between Israel and the Palestinians. "
The U.S. Secretary of State that the White House believes that peace in the Middle East will only be achieved by direct negotiations, and that both sides know where to go to resolve their differences .. Our part, we do everything we can to achieve peace .. Especially since the United Nations can not solve this issue alone .. So we are on our side do everything we can.
The Clinton that the U.S. Administration to redouble their efforts to bring peace between the Palestinian and Israeli sides and said "I want to see the Palestinian people within the state of democracy .. as I want to see also the Israeli people in their independent state, to achieve democracy as well as for ensuring the safety and security for his people." . She expressed confidence in the possibility of an agreement between the two sides in the event of their desire to achieve peace.
She drew Clinton, speaking to the Egyptian youth, saying, in the dialogue management site TOM: "I am very proud of youth-Masri, has made civilized model of peaceful protest, and not to use violence," and likened what happened in Egypt, the struggle toxic to the Americans since the Hispanic Africans led by Martin Luther King, for on their rights, and what he did also Gandhi in India.
And expressed Atzaha and appreciation of what happened in Egypt, and addressed to the Egyptian youth, saying: "your Ihtajkm .. your Ihtajkm more than ever, and I will stand by your side, we want to be your partners, I have Alhmtamona, and we trust in you, and the United States is ready to help in any way that is appropriate. "
In its response to a series of questions that came from the Egyptian youth in a dialogue organized by the site TOM, said Hillary the importance of trying more insight on how to achieve the hopes and dreams expressed by the Egyptian youth are clearly in the field of editing, which is very important to Egypt, "that great country, "she said
In response to a question about the cause of the volatility of the positions of the U.S. administration, from the revolution in its early days, she said: "The U.S. administration was trying to achieve a balance, because we wanted to make sure that our message will not pay a party to do anything, do not agree with it," adding: "I mean violence .. who tried to stop him in every way possible, "and indicated that the relationship of the U.S. administration with the former regime" allowed to send messages such as: Do not use violence, let this peaceful protest goes on, it's time for change. "
Asked why the United States to maintain relations with repressive regimes, Clinton said: "The United States has relations with many countries that do not always agree with their values, and criticize its actions," and set an example China, Russia and the former Egyptian, and said: "Our relationship with these countries and other complex, and working on several levels at the same time, allowing us time to time to pressure in towards the issues of human rights and democracy in secret and in public. "
And on the main challenges you see that Egypt is facing now, "said U.S. Secretary of State:" the most prominent faces of Egypt challenges is that to have a lasting democracy and ongoing, is the protection of minority rights, and protection of women's rights, and you have an independent judiciary and free media and independent, including social networking sites on the Internet, as well as to get rid of the economic constraints to enable young people to establish their businesses without having to pay bribes to government officials. "
Clinton said she agreed with the need not to describe Christians in Egypt as a minority, "They are Egyptians perfect, and must be integrated into all of society as they were always from a historical perspective," and voiced hope that the move this revolution forward, to work hard to consolidate democracy and preserve them, to be for all place on the same table. "
The dialogue that took place between Minister of Foreign Affairs of America, and young men, organized by the site, "TOM" the largest and oldest sites in Egypt, attracting tens of thousands of young people to participate in the questions raised or voted upon, was received 6500 questions, and dozens of questions of audio and video, has been chosen more questions which have earned the consensus reading the site, to be the focus of this dialogue.
Clinton denied the existence of any relationship between the United States and the youth revolution of January 25 at any stage of the revolution, and said: "The United States does not have any ties to the uprising and the revolution in Egypt, which was managed and organized by the Egyptian youth, and no one knew or expected that, even politicians and activists who were talking with them before. "
She expressed her happiness that the U.S. provided a lot of tools, which helped the revolution in Egypt, such as Facebook, Twitter, and a lot of inventions the U.S., "she said:" We are proud that these innovations the U.S., helping to connect people, on democracy, human rights and freedom, and building agenda can lead to a better life in Egypt. "
She said the interaction through social networking sites is a means of destroying the people's stereotypes and divisions among themselves, and not only to organize protests, as seen in Egypt and Tunisia, and expressed the belief that human beings are alike with each other by 99.8 percent, however, there were differences in gender, race and religion , and "these differences between human beings is shrinking slowly."
And whether the method followed by the Egyptian revolution, protests in the city of editing can change negative stereotypes about Muslims and Arabs in America, Clinton said: "Of course I think that this image will change," she said: "The demonstrations in the field of editing has sent a positive result too, since to the fact that it was organized well and peaceful, and everyone was basically trying to this result we are celebrating now. "
She added, "It also sends a message to extremists such as al Qaeda, who do not know such thing as a peaceful protest .. It is confirmed that there is no such thing as democracy." Clinton and wished to be followed by television showed how young Egyptians themselves. " Clinton said, in the dialogue that has been with the Egyptian youth, and managed one of the main book site, "TOM", Dr. Ahmed Ghanem, a reporter for the site in Washington: "We must recognize that many Americans have a stereotype about the Egyptians and Muslims, as the Egyptians and Muslims have a picture module for America, which is why President Obama going to talk to the Muslim world, and chooses the capital of Egypt, the Arab nation and the most influential, to make his historic ".
And continued: "The U.S. administration prefers to have a relationship with a real democracy in Egypt and not with a fake democracy, even if it served their interests."
She added that the construction of these true democracy will take time, we in the U.S. It took us 220 years, and said, "but I fully convinced that in view of intelligence, energy and determination that I have seen of young Egyptians in the last month, there is no in my mind no doubt that this can be achieved as long as did not feel Egyptian People's exhaustion and frustration, and despair rapid, because the process is sometimes very difficult to handle. "
Clinton and renewed emphasis on the United States would not intervene in the selection of win or lose this election because things are left entirely to the Egyptian people.
With regard to the position of the U.S. administration, if in the elections in Egypt in the victory of the Muslim Brotherhood, Clinton said the United States supports the democratic process does not determine winners or losers, adding "but we do not want to see any political party or any ideology of trying to kidnap the process." And "So I think there should be safeguards built into the Constitution, and ensure that laws in Egypt it is a real democracy, real political parties, graduation, and that the elections will be followed by another election and another election, and there will be restrictions on the duration of the state." Mean duration of the presidency.
And about whether the Convention''veto''lost American credibility, to the world, especially as they partner in the peace process in the Middle East, Clinton said: "It has no hope of losing American credibility before the world," and continued: "The United States has spent a great deal of time and effort and money to bring peace in the Middle East, and that was the beginning between Egypt and Israel and between Jordan and Israel, as well as our commitment to peace also between Israel and the Palestinians. "
The U.S. Secretary of State that the White House believes that peace in the Middle East will only be achieved by direct negotiations, and that both sides know where to go to resolve their differences .. Our part, we do everything we can to achieve peace .. Especially since the United Nations can not solve this issue alone .. So we are on our side do everything we can.
The Clinton that the U.S. Administration to redouble their efforts to bring peace between the Palestinian and Israeli sides and said "I want to see the Palestinian people within the state of democracy .. as I want to see also the Israeli people in their independent state, to achieve democracy as well as for ensuring the safety and security for his people." . She expressed confidence in the possibility of an agreement between the two sides in the event of their desire to achieve peace.
She drew Clinton, speaking to the Egyptian youth, saying, in the dialogue management site TOM: "I am very proud of youth-Masri, has made civilized model of peaceful protest, and not to use violence," and likened what happened in Egypt, the struggle toxic to the Americans since the Hispanic Africans led by Martin Luther King, for on their rights, and what he did also Gandhi in India.
And expressed Atzaha and appreciation of what happened in Egypt, and addressed to the Egyptian youth, saying: "your Ihtajkm .. your Ihtajkm more than ever, and I will stand by your side, we want to be your partners, I have Alhmtamona, and we trust in you, and the United States is ready to help in any way that is appropriate. "
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